Push Gift

This week we celebrated my daughter’s birthday. She really enjoyed her day and was very happy that everything went according to her plan. However, there was one thing I experienced that was completely unexpected. Someone gave me a gift on my daughter’s birthday. Since I wasn’t expecting it, I didn’t even realize I had it. They had to point it out to me.

Once I recognized I had a gift, I opened it up and was so grateful for what I had been given. I was told by the gift-giver that it was a push gift. A push gift? What is a push gift? They told me it was a gift given to me for pushing out the baby whose birthday we were celebrating. Wow! I was blown away!

How many of us have been given a push gift by The Gift Giver and we don’t even know it? How many of us have been called to be spiritual midwives to those pregnant with God-given vision and we haven’t helped facilitate not even one supernatural birth? How many people out there still haven’t given birth because those with this gift haven’t informed them it’s time to push?

If God has given you eyes to see the gifts, talents, abilities, potential, and purpose in people; then you’ve probably been given a push gift. Don’t leave this precious gift unwrapped any longer. There are people connected to you that are still carrying babies that could be conveying blessings. There are some who have just conceived, and they don’t know how to nurture that which has been placed inside of them. There are others that are feeling the pain of contractions and have no idea what to do. They need you to encourage them to push!

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